Friday, May 24, 2024

PIPD Update May 24, 2024

Obs Nurses, we want to hear from you. Scan or click the image below for a quick 1min survey on the High Flow protocol implemented this winter. 

AIMS this week

New AIMS training materials

As part of AIMS, expanded functionality will launch in MyConnection this summer. MyConnection is your front door to AIMS. To prepare for upcoming changes, it’s important for all staff to log in to MyConnection to review training materials. Training materials for all employees can be found under the MyKnowledge tab in MyConnection.

Employees should start by viewing the training presentation in the Featured articles in MyConnection, All Employees Introduction to AIMS Training – START HERE. This presentation highlights the training all staff will access in the coming weeks, as it is made available.

One-page summaries of the changes staff will see during a staggered launch of AIMS include:

·     Viewing your payslips (KB0013989)

·     Updating banking information (KB0013996)

·     Create a case of submit a request on MyConnection (KB0013990)

·     Update emergency contact information (KB0013995)

·     Search for job postings (KB0013992) and submitting a job application (KB0014003)

·     Submit a northern travel reimbursement (KB0013994)

·     Generating an employment verification letter (KB0013991)

·     Submit a cell phone or mileage reimbursement (KB0014004)

·     Requesting a record of employment (ROE) (KB0014006)

·     Submit an expense claim (KB0014005)

Training videos will be housed at the following link: Instructional Videos of Tasks all Employees Need to Know on Vimeo. Staff can also search for the training materials by knowledge article number (the KB) or viewing the recently updated Features sidebar.

Sign up for a drop-in sessions where you can see live demos and ask questions. Sign up and view the schedule at the following link: Register Program - Webex

CNE Updates

1.       Orientation has started – please welcome our 12 lovely new staff who are eager to join our Peds crew. They will be completed orientation and buddy shifts before end of June.


2.       June 5 – Plum 360 will be getting an update. Exciting for Peds is the addition of 24hr Cytarabine and Topotecan options!

3.      Annual eLearning has been posted. It is on the fSHR e-Learning site:

SHA Intra Net -> fSHR Info Net -> E-Learning (left hand side of page) -> E-Learning Site -> Nursing -> Acute Care Pediatrics

You may now start working on the eLearning. Please contact a CNE if you have questions.

Please note: CADD-Solis PCA Pump should be completed prior to the pump becoming active June 17, 2024.

The NEW Pediatric & Neonate CVAD (Central Venous Access Device) module is not currently live. A memo will go out when it is live – hoping for end of May.


4.       CADD-Solis PCA Pump – the CNEs now have 2 pumps for practice. We will have them available for hands on training starting next week.


5.       AirTap LC (currently in room 2309) – Hands on training will be May 27 & 28 from 1300-1600 both dates. It takes about 30 minutes to do a session. We will have a room set up with the Stryker Rep Andrea for all your learning needs. This is a great system and will really help support our complex mobility patients with repositioning, daily bath care, linen changes, and reducing pressure injuries. It also benefits you by significantly reducing your chance of back injury and strain! More information on the AirTap can be found in a bathroom and in the Q-cards-nursing folder. Sage AirTAP LC Training (


6.       PYXIS Update - The maintenance window will begin on Monday, May 27 at 23:55 hrs and is scheduled to be completed on Tuesday, May 28 at 06:00 hrs. The expected outage from 23:55 to 03:00 hrs may be extended within the maintenance window. Users will be notified when the application is available and the flow of messages has been turned back on. 

Pyxis will be available for users during the window but facility workarounds will be required, such as:

                                                   - Temporary patients will need to be added to the Pyxis med stations

                                                   - Patients transferred during the upgrade will not display the new location update in the Pyxis med stations

All delayed messaging will be released to Pyxis med stations once the change is complete.

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PIPD Update March 27, 2025

Peer FIT testing Next dates for fit testing on the ward: April 15/25 0930-1400 April 28/25 1930-2300 May 8/25 0930-1400 May 13/25 ...